739- First-Time Leader Mistakes: Asking for Help, One-on-Ones, and Firing People, with Kate O'Neil

Collin Mitchell interviews Kate O'Neil, CEO of Teeming, about her experience transitioning from sales to marketing and the importance of alignment between finance, sales, and marketing. They also discuss the challenges faced by first-time leaders and the common mistakes they make, such as not asking for help and neglecting one-on-one meetings with their team. The episode also touches on the topic of firing employees and the impact it can have on their future job prospects.

Follow the Host:
Collin Mitchell (Partner, Leadium)

Our Episode Guest:
Kate O'Neil (CEO, Teaming)

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Leadium | The leader in outbound sales appointment setting

*If you'd like to be a guest on the show or have any questions, email us at guest@salestransformation.co - Just tell us why you're reaching out and we'll contact you as soon as we can!
739- First-Time Leader Mistakes: Asking for Help, One-on-Ones, and Firing People, with Kate O'Neil
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